Saturday, August 9, 2008

Quien es esta caballero?

The view from Annamarie's "Yellow House", near sunset

Friday, August 8, 2008

Our New Perspective

How's that for a view?  This is looking down the mountain to the Nicoya Peninsuala, at the horizon line.  Jim snapped this on one of his hikes.

For the Birders

This Blue-crowned Motmot is perched on Manolo's laundry line in our back yard.  The ribbon of feathers beneath his crown was a brilliant turqoise color.  Do they have these in the US, Jonathan, Trudy, or Dylan?


These cute little fruit bats rest during the day in the roof (Val's ceiling). It isn't real clear in the photo, but there are three bats huddling together, hanging upside down,  In the evening they make scratchy sounds as they are waking up.  

We Are Here

Casa De Manolo Y Beth, center, one third from bottom of picture

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The long walk from home to the school bus stop-Still the dry season...

School started at Creativa about three weeks ago.  The girls have been walking 30 minutes to the bus stop each day.  It is up-hill most of the way, and if not for the promise of a popi fresa (strawberry-yogurt sucker) from the corner Mini Super, they might not make it on some days.  Fortunately a delightful first grade teacher at Creativa lives across the street from us and on rainy days she and our girls share a taxi.  On nicer days the walk sometimes includes something interesting, like a cat on a warm tin roof. 

This bridge has been under construction for over a year now, so not much hope it will be finished any time soon.  The builders are on Costa Rica time, as they say...  

Kiera turns 6

Families from the US and the UK help celebrate Kiera's cumpleaños at Casa De Manolo y Beth, the Warren's home-away-from-home.  Photo credit: Cathy Karp