Friday, October 17, 2008

The Neighbors decided to drop by...

Sometimes we have unexpected guests.  It is traditional for someone to yell "Upe" before stepping onto your porch to see if you are home.  (Some say "Mooooope".)


More neighbors...

Weather or not

This time of year we could experience many kinds of weather:  Wet, slightly wet, really wet, torrential downpours that flood out bridges and cause landslides.  The above is an example of fog, or, slightly wet.


There are great hiking trails where we can spot endangered species like the three wattled bell bird (illustrated on the sign).  Like many birds they are easier to hear than spot.  Their call can't be mistaken.  It sounds like the shrill squeek of a metal gate needing oil.  One of the paths ended at a tall and narrow waterfall.

Leafcutter Ants

Kiera still considers herself "a friend of ants."  Though she has stopped picking them up with her fingers (harmless looking ants here bite like the dickens), she enjoys giving leaf-cutter ants a lift.  She will pick one up by the leaf it is carrying, and gently set it back down closer to it's destination.  Imagine what UFO abduction stories that ant must tell when he gets home.


One of our neighbors.  


This bird's favorite activity is tweeting  a melodic warning, then smashing itself senseless against it's own reflection in the windows on the front of our house.  A friend recommended we cut out a silhuette of a hawk, and paste it to the inside of the window.  Worked like a charm.