The word tico is the name for people born in Costa Rica. It is an affectionate term that comes from the way Costa Ricans add "..ito/a" to the end of words to make a more endearing form. for example,
The word tico is the name for people born in Costa Rica. It is an affectionate term that comes from the way Costa Ricans add "..ito/a" to the end of words to make a more endearing form. for example,
One of our neighbors likes to play with scorpions, after cutting off the stinger. Brandon's grandfather is Don Juan. He owns the coffee farm that his sons run. Brandon speaks excellent english so he has recently been hired as a tour guide. Brandon learned english at the Creativa school, when he was in first and second grade with Jean (see earlier post: My Jeanie). Brandon is now 17, and is learning to play the flute. He walks by our house on the way home from work and frequently stops by for tea and to play with Kiera ("My little monkey") and Val. He is the epitome of the gentle and modest tico.
These chickens belong to Don Juan, who owns a coffee farm near our house. The kids hike through the woods on his property and past his house to get to the school bus stop 20 minutes away. His grandson Brandon introduced us to him and Don Juan gave us permission to trespass on his property each day. He later gave us spinach, celantro and a mint plant from his farm.
I would like to take a moment to recommend to my dear readers that you take a look at the lecture series on ted.com --if you haven't already. Please view what interests you and then tell me what your favorites are. Some of mine include "How Our Education System is Killing Creativity", and the one about the neurologist who had a stroke (I think it's called "A Stroke of Genius"), and Amy Tan, and Elizabeth Gilbert- both on where creativity comes from.
This year Val made Hand Art (on her own hands) as a birthday gift to me. When she was three or four years old she would entertain herself by "drawing bones" on my hands, in ink, while I slept. She also drew on the Women's Resource Center office wall once in permanent marker. Who needs paper when the world is your canvas?
This is a shot of a pool in Las Juntas, about 2 hours down the mountain road from Monteverde. Three pools are filled with water heated by the thermal hot springs.
Our neighbors started raising chickens, of various exotic breeds. The hens have since laid many eggs and hatched some chicks. Eggs don't get much fresher.